Friday, October 22, 2010

Great Mantra

Brian and I ran together this morning. He definitely helped me pick up the pace. Thanks Babe! On this mornings run we (Brian) decided to take a hill. It's a good thing. I appreciate being pushed a little. If I don't start taking hills now, I don't think I ever will.

I want to give a big shout out to my friend Becky who shared her mantra with me. "The faster I run, the sooner I'm done." This morning it helped incredibly as I was running up the hill, tempted to quit. I just kept repeating it over and over again like the little engine that could. What a nice feeling to get to the top! I don't know if anyone is reading this, but if you are, what are your mantras?


  1. I don't really have a mantra, but I like to listen for the pattern in my breathing and put all my attention on that. Sometimes I think the words "in, in... out, out" as I inhale or exhale and imagine the air going into my lungs and oxygenating my blood. If I focus all my attention on my breath, I can momentarily block out whatever discomfort I'm feeling.

    Another thing I do when I'm feeling ready to give up on a run is try to imagine one particular set of muscles and what job they're doing.

  2. I like to listen to my breathing too Jaime. It's kind of therapeutic for some reason.
