Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I had to run tonight. My idea of hell is running on Christmas, in the dark, before eating the lovely dinner I had prepared. However, I knew that if I didn't do it, I would have failed myself. I also knew that if I ate dinner first, I wouldn't run. So, all in all, I feel like I succeeded tonight, although at what I'm not quite sure. After a long day of presents and snowshoeing, I went running.

On a happy note, my daughter is truly amazing. I seriously think she is the best personal trainer out there. She rides her bike beside me and keeps me motivated with words of encouragement. My favorite thing that she says is, "Look at the stars mom. They're millions of people cheering for you." Tonight, she also added a few other comments to keep me going. As I was nearing a hill she said, "Relax your shoulders. Listen to your breathing. Watch your pace, save that momentum for the hill." How did she even know to say that?!? As I was passing the halfway point on the hill she said, "Pick up the pace mom. Do you see the finish line at the top? SEE THE FINISH LINE." She even said something about dogs chasing me to get me running a little faster. She's amazing. How many 10 year old's would leave their new toys to go cheer their mom on during a run, in the dark, on Christmas?